Thursday, September 4, 2014

The little things from my trip to Dragon*con

Things I could have done without: the practically naked cosplayers (male & females), Dr. Who tattoos, Off-the-rack T.A.R.D.I.S dresses, Deadpool cosplay (unless it was a kid or gender swap), black girls cosplaying as Storm, Fezzes, Batman t-shirts (of which I was an offender), and generic Triforce Tee-shirts.

Things I enjoyed seeing In abundance for the first time: Beautiful women of color, ladies in STOS dresses, and families cosplaying together.

One of the downsides of the crazy high number of attendees was the elevators taking forever.  During one of my waits I managed to see a toddler attempt to use a sonic screwdriver to open the doors.  She’s going to go far in life.
Alien (from the franchise) and zombie cosplay creep me out, but in a good way.

I wish I had the confidence some of those people had in their costumes.

I enjoyed the Walk of Fame, which was the location where many prominent Sci-Fi/Fantasy actors and actresses were available for conversations and pictures.  Although the pictures weren’t in the budget (Patrick Stewart’s asking price was $75 per photo), I was glad to see most of the actors looked like themselves in real life.

Once again, when parking at the train station I heard the automated “Welcome to Marta” message as “Welcome to Mordor”.

I really enjoyed catching my first Fans for Christ geek church service.  As the young lady in the row in front of me stated "When I come here I can say 'Ah, my people!' and then after three days of boobs and devil horns I can say 'Ah, my people, people'".

I hate that I missed the opportunity to get photos of the person who did Groot as well as a few of the AoT cosplayers.

I find it interesting that in the vendor’s section the handmade stuff was cheaper than the Amazon merchandise.

Geek couples are all about PDA (I know you have a room, but take it there, please).

The peak moment had to be watching the season finale of Falling Skies with one of the principal actors from the show.  We even got to see him do a magic trick later.

I never thought I’d want to get into a dance battle with a dinosaur (this took place at an exhibit, and you kind of had to be there)

Saturday, June 8, 2013

Women... Can't live with them.

Women unceasingly l manage to confuse me.  They suck..  They are emotional bags of frustration that douse any fires of intent to be friendly.

You would think with all the female friends I have I would do a better job of understanding them, but alas, they continually throw curve-balls that hit me on the noggin.  If it were a dude that did this I'd be able to generate a bench clearing brawl and get old school but no, I am a man.  I must lay my coat of sensitivity and understanding over the puddle of their lack of comfort as they trod on it with dirty, dingy, musty, shoes.

As of late I've pulled back from seeking the company of my female friends and it was a good decision.  My compartmentalized position in their lives wasn't worth the investment.  I no longer cared to be one of the many flavors of an assorted cheesecake platter.  I desire to be the whole pie.  I want to provide all the enjoyment and fattening calories.  Doing so, however, has kept me largely on the shelf.  Good thing there is no expiration date, however I am concerned with getting bitter over time.

I kind of see now why some guys choose to stay home with Mom.  She will fuss about having to do your laundry but at least she's consistent and loves you for you.  If it weren't for those darned hormonal urges to get pelvic I think every guy would still be at home playing video games, eating chips, and drinking Capri-Sun packages.  I guess God knew how to motivate us to step outside of ourselves and engage the opposite sex.

Well Played, big J.. Well played.

Monday, December 3, 2012

Of all the Mondays in the the world, you are the Mondayest..


What is it about Mondays that are so hard to deal with?  Last night I went to bed at an insanely early hour for me, however when I got up I may as well have awakened from a coma.  It makes no sense.  Something about approaching a new work week just shuts down all my senses.

I drag myself out of bed like I am pulling myself towards an oasis after days of suffering in a desert.  Am I just doomed to Monday grogginess despite my best intentions?

What is a dude to do?

Monday, May 30, 2011

Memorial Day Weekend.. My thoughts.. (Random Non Dancing Post)

I can say I had a good Memorial day weekend...

I saw Kung Fu Panda 2.  I can say it was better than the original and wouldn't mind seeing it again.  As I look back on my experience I can't help but to think there is military man or woman who was looking forward to the sequel but will never get to see it with their family.

I saw romantic comedy in the company of friends as well. I love romantic comedies.  Unfortunately I wasn't able to share it with a significant other but there is a military widow or widower who will never get to share that tender moment with their loved one again.

I bowled and played tennis today.  Although I did better than I thought in tennis I can honestly say I've never sucked so bad in bowling, but there is a miltary man or who will never get to teach their child to play sports at all.

Most importantly I went to church, Pastor Jeff put it down on the pulpit.  I enjoyed giving a recap to my friends but there is military man or woman who will never get to preach the gospel to their loved ones.

I can say I had a good Memorial Day weekend, but there are others who sacrificed their happiness for my safety and freedom.  This post is in honor of those like my father whose service to their country cost them their life.  I want you to know that even though most of us had a good time this weekend, your service has not gone unnoticed.